Winners of the Infowars Poster Video Contest Announced · · · · The 2nd American Revolution has begun and we are dropping InfoBombs on enemy targets all over the San Francisco Bay Area aka Skynet West Coast.
The team of Joe and Kris follow-up their 1st Place Win in the Infowars Obama Joker Poster $1,000 contest with another hard-hitting video by taking the fight to the streets.
If we do not exercise our FREEDOMS we will LOSE THEM!
Check out the film "The United States of Terror" on Youtube and Google video and stay tuned for the sequel "The United States of Terror II" coming this Fall 2009!
WE ARE CHANGE AUSTRIA / Vorarlberg. Aufklärung über NWO, Illuminaten,
Bilderberger, Chemtrails, Soziale Ungerechtigkeit, Schreibtischtäter, Kapitalismus, Contrails, HAARP, Fluoride, Lebensmittel Kontrolle, Gentechnologie, Pokitische lügen, Inside Jobs, 9/11 World Trade Center Sprengung, Geheimdienste, Verschwörungstheorie, Verschwörung Informationen, Aufklärung, Aktionen, Video Dokumentationen,
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